Thursday, April 7, 2016

Cultural Differences

Culture is the customs and beliefs we practice that distinguish each individual from one another. Whether it be religion, social customs, or arts there are many ways people can identify themselves. The United States has many diverse social and religious groups. While some of these individuals are proud Americans, they continue to practice different lifestyles and values from deep within their heritage. But whats even interesting than the diversity of culture in the United States, are the countries from all over the globe that practice beliefs that we, as Americans, aren't familiar with.
Now I'm not saying that these values and ways of life are weird, they are just unique compared to the lifestyle the average person in America lives.
- In Greece, when a child loses his or her tooth, they toss it on the roof. In America, majority of toothless children place their teeth under their pillow for the tooth fairy (in return for money)!
Colombian schoolchildren are taught that there are only five continents! Everyone in America knows that there are seven!
- In Thailand, its considered very rude to cross you legs in public. Meanwhile in the United States, its a practiced manner for the ladies.
- In England, doing a back-handed peace sign is equivalent to flipping someone off! For proof, there is even a picture of Kate Middleton (Prince William's wife) "flipping off" paparazzi!
As you can see, there are many different lifestyles and meanings to certain things all around the world. I think that everybody should be considerate of these traditions, no matter how different they seem to you. 
Who knows? Maybe teachers in Colombia think Americans are crazy for thinking that there are seven continents! Respecting one's culture and traditions should be expected from everybody who learns about them.


  1. I liked this post because it was very informative and had a a lot of meaning !

  2. I always find it interesting that gestures and activities that are just a part of everyday life can be so different in other parts of the world. I would not think twice about using an a-ok sign or a thumb up, but to some people those signs are serious insults. I also love to see traditions from all over the world that vary, but still have similarities. In your example with the Greeks and their loose teeth, they throw the teeth on the roof for a pig to take, like how our tooth fairy takes kids teeth but leaves money. Very good analysis and post.

  3. You picked an interesting topic to discuss. Based on the post, you did a great job exploring cultural differences using research and your own opinion. In addition, I thought your thesis was well written and helps decrease any type of bias within your post. With all the events happening today, I think that this was a great post to remind us that we should appreciate who we are and where we come rather than antagonizing each other. Overall, you did an awesome job. However, I think you could improve the post. For example, go back and make sure you fix all grammatical mistakes. Also, the format is okay, but you could play around with it to make it more organized.

  4. I really like your post. You went into detail about the many differences we have with other parts of the world. My favorite piece of information would have to be about Greece and what happens when a child loses their tooth. When I was younger, I was weirdly obsessed with losing my teeth. When I had a loose tooth, it took about one to two days for it to come out because I would play and play with it until it was ready to come out. Normally it takes about a week. But I couldn't wait. I had lost all my teeth by 6th grade. I am not entirely sure if I did it for the money or what but I loved losing my teeth. Other than that, your information is very fascinating.
