Saturday, April 9, 2016

Is Racism Part Of Culture? ...

Our society in the United States has so much diversity from all over the world begin represented daily. Our country is like a melting pot with different cultures mixed into one. The United States has a great diversity it is not really common with in other nations, but that is what makes us great. People who move here from all over the world bring their cultures from their countries. After years of living here people will start grasping the American culture they will start being part of it. They may start forming a family with their partners, so their children will become native born and raised.
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Discrimination began since slavery people viewed the African Americans as animals instead of human begins. They were mistreated and abused as humans by Caucasian males that owned plantations. After awhile the slaves revolted against the Caucasian males and realized that they no longer wanted to enslaved or belong to anyone.

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After African Americans were freed they were facing another obstacle which Caucasian would describe as "Separate, but equal" in reality it was not equal. They were facing segregation everywhere they went from water fountains, bus seats, restrooms, and they could only dine "black" restaurants. Children that went to school during that time had the most ripped/old books which sometimes had pages missing. They did not have bus transportation most of the time they would have to walk to school. During that period of time Civil Right activist started to protest and stand up for what they believed in and damaged changed because of all the inequality they were putting up with. Some of the major Civil Right activists are Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X , Rosa Parks, etc.

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Now we are living in the 21st Century yet racism is still alive. We are in 2016 dealing with people that in live ignorance and think of they are superior to others because of their wealth and skin color.
These people mostly target minorities. During 2015 we were experiencing police men brutality on African American citizen all over the United States. After seeing how African Americans were treated by police men people started "Black Lives Matter" movement. The "Black Lives Matter" movement became a huge thing that it also became a hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. It is still a big movement going on in our country. The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9th, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri. He was only 18 year old who was killed at the hands of Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson. He was fired from his job and has received multiple death threats. The people of Ferguson were dissatisfied because at the end of the day no one will be able to bring Micheal Brown back to life. Micheal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner have all been killed and that's why people not just African Americans want to stop Police Brutality and for Police Men to be held responsible for their actions. There is no reason in world it is excusable for Police Men to kill someone and especially they way they have been treating African Americans. Eric Garner clearly said after being put in an illegal chock hold for NYPD Officer to use that he could not breath yet they still kept holding him down like if he was an animal. All he did wrong was breaking a fight yet that action caused him is life sad, but true.

Provide by:  Leesa Allmond via Twitter 

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We are in 2016 dealing with the Presidential Elections. We have a candidate that has hurt most of the minorities with such nasty words and racial slurs. Donald Trump is running for the Presidential office. Most minorities are really against him because what he has said and he in general had this ego of superiority. Anytime he speaks its all ignorance and has no clue of what he even is talking about.He is always talking about Mexicans... yet not everyone that is Hispanic is Mexican. He just generalizes that we all are Mexican. He has spoken badly about the Muslim community calling them terrorist and just in negative connotation. He is honestly a great example of  "Islam phobia". Islam phobia meaning is dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force. He doesn't notice, but all the hate words that he has put out there is just going to cause something bigger later on. I think people like that should never be allowed to be taken seriously. He's slogan is "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!". Just that saying gives me the chill the thing the United States hasn't ever been great we still have a lot change and over come to ever be great as a nation. 

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How can we have someone like this run our nation ? When we are dealing with racism and it is one of our major issues. I'm just talking about the minorities this also includes those who are seen different such as transgenders and the mentally ill. Why does he not talk about real issues besides if you think about it most of the illegal immigrants that come here from all parts of Latin America take the jobs most people do not want. He is has made a mockery out of this presidential election and its sad that we still have people with such ignorant and arrogant persona. 

The question is racism of our culture in the United States? It seem that it is and it hasn't change after so many things have happen in the past. A side note is that everyone technically is an immigrant because the native Americans were here first, but yet does not seem many people remember that when stating "go back were you came from". 

1 comment:

  1. Your frame and documentation were good, but this felt like a lot of general data and no real analysis/substance. How about using specifics to drive the text home, and use analysis--link us to scholarly sources. And hone in on your last statement--what does our country have to *offer*?
