Friday, April 8, 2016

What does Culture mean to me

I've decided to write about what the word culture altogether means to me. In my opinion, the world culture does not necessarily have to relate to ethnics. Culture can be a variety of things. For example, location is something that people relate culture with. I feel as if you can develop new culture as you explore a variety of things that you normally don't partake in your everyday life. For example, trying a food from some place you have never even heard of , or traveling to a country you can hardly pronounce. Culture is all around us as human beings on a daily basis. Many people tend to tie culture to only a specific example of something diverse but that is not always the case.

One major thing that ties to the word culture is location. Many people embrace or practice their culture from wherever they may be from. For example, the continent of Africa has many ways they embrace their culture. Dancing is one way the people of Africa, express themselves. For example the Suo Dance, was primarily in the western part of Africa. According to , this dance was so popular that it paved the way for the paved its way for the Nigerian entertainment scenario.

 Another popular way that the continent of Africa expresses their culture is through their foods. Africa is notoriously known for its " Fufu " dish. Fufu is mashes plantains mixed in with cassava flour. It is also served along side with soup, and is the national dish for Ghana.

So in conclusion to me, culture is not just represented from where you are from. It can deal with things like food, location, clothing, and even music. Culture is around us in some way, shape, or from everyday and whether we know it or not we apply something cultural to our daily lives,

1 comment:

  1. This feels like a rushed idea without any detail to make this stick. What places, in particular? Where are the examples of culture?
