Monday, April 11, 2016

Definition of Culture

The definition of culture based on is "the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc." My definition of culture wouldn’t mean what someone’s ethnicity is. It would be more connected to where someone grew up and the people they grew up around. Also the types of people and groups they hung out with which would define the type of culture they have.

Culture can be a part of where someone was raised, the food they eat, the clothes they wear, and what language they speak. Such as Hispanic, Italian, middle eastern foods, etc. or the language's such as Urdu, Spanish, Chinese, English, etc. These aren’t the only things that would define someone’s culture but a way to separate one culture from another. There are many different types of cultures such as desi, Hispanic, Chinese, etc and the beliefs and values can help distinguish these cultures from one another as well.

Also being from a certain culture doesn’t necessarily mean they can only be with the people of that culture. People from different cultures tend to hang out as well and oftentimes people’s beliefs change when they hang out with others with different beliefs. That also comes to the saying that you are also known by the company you keep. So the people you hang out with influence you in many ways. Without realizing it one starts to become similar to the people they associate themselves with.    

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  1. You're off to a running start. Now keep going. Can you show a few specific cultures in detail to readers connect to your thesis--that culture is not specifically ethnicity but, rather, an amalgam of many different factors?

  2. It's nice how you used a quote for the definition from a good website. Try not to use words like I and my. Make sure the post is in third person perspective. I really like the picture that you used. In one picture you can see a lot of details such as what things make up culture and then it’s divided down even more. It would make the post stronger if you add a few cultures specifically and use those as examples of different culture. It would show how cultures have different food, clothes, language, and economy. Overall, you are off to a good start.

  3. Love this post i think it has a different perspective to the definition as i did the definition of culture my self. Its nice to see someone challenge the actual definition and say what you really think Culture is. over all i think that you are totally right in terms of defining it the way you did. the only thing i would add to this post is a couple of examples like groups that do blend in together. Like you said people from certain cultures sometimes spend time with other cultures.

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