Saturday, April 30, 2016

An Entertaining Life

The basis of culture tends to look into the religion, morals and traditions of a group. These topics are all a fundamental part in identifying with one’s ancestry and history. However, when considering every component that define the people, it is impossible to leave out what keeps the people interesting and interested. The arts and entertainment help express the uniqueness of a culture. The music, drawings, writings, sports and acting deliver a subdivision of culture that promotes individuality while creating a space to unlock the passion many have then capture it into something beautiful that can live forever.

Creation is the basis of life. The ability to make something from scratch in your own image is why life is. A child is meant to be the greatest product a person could ever produce. With the idea of reproduction in mind, the talent one has to create in the arts can be looked at as their own child they have brought into the world. Each new design is birthed in hopes to be enjoyed by someone else as much as the artist took pride in creating it.

Act I: I Act

There is so much raw talent in being able to bring a character to life by taking a bunch of words and actions from a script into a performance that grabs the attention and emotions of a whole audience. From the first play of the ancient Greek civilization where Thespis of Icaria took the stage, acting has brought everything from laughter to tears upon viewers. Plays provided the first platform for these performance artists to share their craft by becoming a brand new person in front of the eyes of many. As time passed, plays led to TV shows and movies where stars were made.
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Drawing Blood

Long ago, the coliseum was used for two warriors to courageously enter and fight to the death. The gladiators of the Roman Empire created a source of entertainment that challenged the physical strength and strategic thinking of men in order to best their opponent. This art form put natural ability to the test. Their spirit of war was the most sought after pleasure. The victorious feeling, the outlet of aggression and fight to survive gave them an unmatched satisfaction.

"Are you not entertained?" - Russell Crowe

As time passed, the violent aspect dissolved to a less lethal format...

This is when our gladiators turned into athletes. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey and many other sports are the rawest form of art where one creates the best physical version of themselves possible to combat another person who also put their all into making themselves complete. It has built into many multi-million dollar corporations and one of the biggest pieces of entertainment in the world.

Soundtrack to Life

Music can create moods, invoke emotions and bring people together or help them cope apart. There are so many dimensions to each sound and how they combine together. There is no documented time of when music was first conceived but it is hard to picture any point in time where there wasn’t music in some form. Something as simple as humming can bring peace to a soul or complex as a 50-piece orchestra combining different sound into one beautiful melody. Music is truly the soundtrack to life because there is a song for peace, for war, for celebration, for relaxation, for love, for hate and so much more. Having the ability to make an amazing sound come to life is the gift of immortality. A person will die eventually but the music they may create lives on forever.
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The Writing on the Wall

The first documentations of writing were by the Egyptian and Sumerian civilization through hieroglyphics and cuneiform. Since that time, writing and language in general have further developed. This creation has made it possible for people to share information and, most importantly, educate. The written language has also paved the way to different art forms like poetry, lyrics and storytelling. The techniques used in creating these artworks display the talent one has with words. The ability to engage a reader or listener with words masterfully arranged by the author is a highly appreciated talent and has a range of uses spread throughout many other arts from music to acting. A writer has the unique skill to build a whole new world outside their own and invite people into it through words alone.
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Life is Entertaining

When combining all of these arts and more, they can define a culture. Soccer (aka futbol) is the pride of much of the Spanish culture just like American football is loved by the USA. Reggae music is the heart of many islanders like electronic music is blasted everywhere in European countries. The way art connects to different civilizations is the reason why it can be said that it is the most important quality of any culture.


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