Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I play different roles in society

American Culture = Diversity and blend of culture background 

My name is Nancy Sofia Espinoza Pastora. I was born on September 4th, 1995 in the Fairfax, VA.  I am part of  many different american culture:
Growing up in the United States and my others sisters growing up in Nicaragua. All of us having a different experience growing up especially in different nations. I would always travel to my families country to get exposed to the culture and have some of the same experience. As a child my first language was English and slowly I have had to learn to gain that part of me to speak Spanish.

Provided By: NicaraguaNic 

As a child I really never cared of society and how I was viewed, but I mean as a child all you really cared about was to have fun and play with friends. Growing up in a Hispanic house hold is so different from many other ethnic backgrounds because most Hispanic parents are really strict and rigid. I remember my parents calling me inside at a certain time and the rest of my friends staying out late at night. I never thought of it until now how different I was compared to others.

Growing up I lived in a neighborhood semi-diverse and all my friends where from different culture and some where Hispanics from different countries. It was pretty interesting because I love listening to different types of music. I do not believe in excluding someone from a group just because of what they look like or who they are.

In high school I was part of Spanish Honor Society and I enjoyed it so much. I joined because helping my high school change their mentality about the Hispanic community and helped change the Hispanics on how to treat each other. Overall I was able to be part of group seniors that improved the quality of treatment within the society of the Freedom High School. I was able educated a group kids on the issues that we face on the daily basis in society. I was able to expose them to protests and I how to stand up for what believe in and never put your head down when you feel like you have something to say.

Provided By: Espinoza Pastora 

I remember always saying to myself I will date someone from Nicaragua not because of racial problems. I just always thought that was the right thing to do. Now I think differently and I realize that love does not come in ages,sizes, and culture wise. I am proud to say that I am happy with a Puerto Rican / Cruzan U.S Virgin Islander man. Cruzan is a person that is from St. Croix which is located in the U.S Virgin Island. He has helped me change my views on a lot of things and has exposed me to different things such as Asoka, Reggae, and  rap as well as hip-hop. He has helped me understand more about the struggles of other cultures and be more open to new things and other people.

Provided by: Espinoza Pastora 

My mentally from as a child has changed now as a young lady trying to follow her dreams in becoming a children psychologist. I believe that growing up in this nation has been something good because I have had the ability to know and experience how it feels to work at McDonald just to get paid minimum wage $7.25. I also have had the opportunity to now have a great stable job with a bit more pay, but still wanting to get up there. I want to be what my own mother couldn't have been  not because she did not want to, but because how hard it was for to be a single mother of three girls.

Provided by: Espinoza Pastora 

This society has shaped to be a great human being as much as possible. I have experienced things that I never imagined to experience as a child growing up. I have learned that my career should something that I could do by helping others, but also having options to switch around when it comes to who needs my help.


  1. I really liked this post a lot Sofia. You have a really good background and speech going there. I am partially Hispanic as well, my nationality origin was Mexican. However, I'm a bit different. If you read my post, I grew up mostly white in America with my close family members went through the same thing as I did. Only my some of my cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and my grandparents family from my mom's side of the family are very Hispanic with mostly ties from Mexico and a little bit of Nicaragua. But they live out in the American Southwest and southern Alabama now days.

  2. Strong post, Sofia! What is interesting here is that you give us a few different cultures that intersect in your experiences, and you are even learning, through relationships, about the beauty of other cultures as well.

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