Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Varied Life

My great- grandmother on my father’s side was from Athens, Greece. She immigrated during the turn of the last century. The only real connection to Greece is the food. From gyros to hummus I can get enough. The other side for my father is English, most likely around Wales.

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They would have been in the United States as far back as before the 1700s. My mother’s side is from the Hessen and Schlewig-Holstein regions of Germany immigrating to the United States, in the 1700s.   

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I am part of many groups all over the country. I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The rest of my extended family lives in central Michigan mainly around Jackson and Concord. So outside of family ties the only other ties with Michigan I have is with The University of Michigan and the Big Ten.  The Wolverines are my family’s College team. Although some of the extend family are Michigan State fans leading to many a fun family dinner.  

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My family’s first move with the U.S.M.C was to Chery Point, North Carolina. It was certainly not our favorite place we have lived. The base housing was old and run down and at the time the nearest town was half an hour away. The multiple hurricanes did not help the feelings of dislike. After 4 years, the next move was overseas to Okinawa, Japan. The history is amazing, the weather not so much. The weather was so hot and humid is was like breathing in soup. The housing were built like bunkers to withstand the many typhoons. The Department of Defense run schools were so bad my older sister and I started homeschooling with our mother. It was a place that was amazing to visit but I would not want to stay there.

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After 3 years we moved to Yuma, Arizona. The on base housing were much nicer and we continued homeschooling. I started Boy Scouts during this time and became a part of a tight knit group of 2 other boys. Also during this time I meant one of my two closes friends at a youth group.

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After 3 years of Yuma we moved to Leavenworth, Kanas for less than a year. This was one of my favorite places I have ever lived. Kanas City, Kanas and Missouri were a vibrant and lively city. Having seasons was a nice change from the desert and jungle. The downside was that most of our possessions stayed in boxes. The biggest upside was Smoking Guns BBQ, the best BBQ in the world. After less than a year we moved back to Yuma. It was during this time I found my other close friend after becoming part of a homeschool Co-Op. We started a house church with some of the families of the Co-Op and be camp a tight knit community. I was also able to work at Camp Tahquitz Boy Scout Camp for 2 months as one of the Shooting Sports Counselors.

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After 3 years, we moved to Northern Virginia, becoming part of the traffic culture. My family lives in Stafford, Virginia which is about 35 miles from Washington, D.C. For my father to commute to work, it takes him over a hour to arrive. When I take my sister to her ballet lessons, it takes about 45 minutes both ways, and that is only 30 miles roundtrip!         

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Where I have been and my experiences define the cultures I am a part of, just as much as my family lineage or birthplace. My love of University of Michigan football is just as strong as my love of the desert south-west. My life has allowed me become a part of many cultures, forming a vast network that is my varied life.     


1 comment:

  1. What is really interesting here is that your post is almost more a travelogue than anything else. But that is inherently cultural--made more so by being a military dependent, right? You match the experiences of some of the other posters to this thread.
