Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Me, Myself and I

Last year, actress Gina Rodriguez, most famously known for her role as Jane Gloriana Villanueva on  Jane the Virgin , was lashed with criticism for "not being Latina enough." Bravely, Rodriguez took on her critics by speaking up for what it really means to be a Latina/Latino and also discussed self-identity in America. After watching interviews in which Rodriguez tried to speak out against labels, I began to ponder and question who I was and how I identified myself: something I have been struggling for years.

Growing up in a Mexican-American family, it has been a constant battle balancing two distinct cultures at once. At home, I am expected to act as your ideal señorita, which means helping out my mom with chores around the house, being a role model for my younger siblings, upholding my religious values, embracing my cultural traditions, speaking fluent Spanish, and so fourth. However, anywhere else outside the boundaries of my home I am expected to be your average 18 year old who keeps up with the latest fashion trends, listens to today's music hits, enjoys her freedom, is not afraid to defy authority, dwells in social media, likes going out and so on. 

Living a life where expectations define who you are suppose to be disintegrates who we truly are rather than helping sculpt the ideal person society desires us to be. That is a lesson I learned the hard way, but it was worth it after being ostracized for "not being Mexican enough" or "not being American enough". Today, I am able to not just balance two cultures from which I come from, but I am able to follow my own values and beliefs outside the confinements of who people expect me to be. As Rodriguez said in an interview for HuffPost Live, "I actually do not sit in a definition, I walk in my world happily and confident."

Furthermore, in the world I walk in everyday, besides being a young, unique woman who does not let labels stop her from being who she wants to be, I am also proud to be an independent and hard working young adult. After I graduated from high school almost a year ago, I decided to apply for a part-time job. A few weeks after applying here and there, I got an interview at the Home Depot. Truth be told that the Home Depot was not my first choice, but reflecting back on the past few months it was one of the best decisions of my life. Working at the Home Depot has been such an amazing learning experience. Everyday I get to meet customers who come from all corners of the world, and each and every one of them has their own story that I have had the privilege to be a part of. In addition, the people that I work with are genuinely amazing in every aspect.

Furthermore, when I first started working at the Home Depot, I did not expect to make friends with any of my coworkers. To my surprise, not only have I made friends, but I have also become part of a special family at the Home Depot. In addition, I enjoy going to work at the Home Depot because I go in facing new challenges everyday. It is knowing that I take on those challenges and that I learn from them that allows me to become a better individual.

Most importantly, the most important aspect in the world I walk in and what people know me for is my passion for education. Education has become a crucial aspect of what defines me since I can remember. My greatest accomplishment as a student was being part of the International Baccalaureate Programme in high school. The courses I enrolled as a full diploma candidate allowed me to develop the ability to become a critical thinker, appreciate perspectives, learn how to challenge myself, manage time wisely, how to be a leader, and so many other skills I will cherish forever.

Walking on stage on the day of graduation knowing what I had accomplished throughout high school was the best feeling ever, especially because I was the first one in my family to graduate from high school and to attend college. As a student at Northern Virginia Community College, I plan to continue my journey here and then I hope to transfer to George Mason University where I plan to enroll in their criminal justice program. My dream job is to become an FBI agent, work in the forensic psychology field or become a school psychologist and work with children who suffer from mental illnesses.

I am excited for the journey ahead of me and thankful for every day I am able to go to bed knowing that I have made it another day. I may not know what is ahead of me, but I do know that whatever is in store for me will only make me a better individual. I know this because of the people I have met, the friendships I have built over the years, the experiences I have gone through, and the person I identify as of today. 

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding post! I really get to see you from many perspectives, and I love how you use the lens of Gina Rodriguez to position yourself and your story here.
    Often we have to keep "redefining" our ideas or notions about who we are in relation to those around us. Thank you for the clear reminder.
