Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A SMALL loan of a million dollars

Anecdotal evidence is a logical fallacy that denotes the idea that just because some thing applies to you  that it must be true for most people. the contrary fallacy would be the sweeping generalization fallacy where just because something applies to most people it must be true for everyone.
         Donald J. Trump is a current Republican presidential candidate who is using his former reality TV personality to gain a large amount of popularity across the country. Trump committed the logical fallacy of "Anecdotal evidence" when he stated that “It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars,"  the politico article titled "Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars"  goes into detail about the interview in which trump made this comment when being interviewed by NBC's Matt Lauer. Lauer ask trump to put this in perspective and trump claims that a million dollars is small compared to the empire he was able to build. whilst this is true I would argue that people have built large companies without a million dollar loan from daddy. Trump is preaching the American dream and his rise through the trenches of business by highlighting his struggles and how his father told him no all the time and sent him off with a measly million. Trump is applying his view of a million dollars and ignoring how most people see that amount of money, this remark became a problem because it makes people wonder how Donald Trump sees the world and how he sees the financial situations of the American people.



  1. I'd agree that this would be the fallacy of anecdotal evidence when Trump tries to show that "small" loans helped him build his empire. The warrant here would be--that anyone with his *smarts* could do the same with a loan of money?

  2. He was lucky that he got an small cash loans from his dad. Many other people get too but not everyone turn it into billions.

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