Thursday, February 25, 2016

Donald Trump and his fallacies

Donald Trump the American businesses man and Television personality is currently trying to run as a Presidency candidate. He is well known for making racist and negative fallacies in his speeches. He has attacked Hispanics, but of course an ignorant person that may have or may have not taken geography in school. He just of course thinks that any Hispanic he sees is Mexican well wrong they're is 19 more countries not including Mexico. Trump has made racial slurs when it has come to the Hispanic community in this country. According to Trump "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Trump has done a Hasty Generalization by basing his information on a small sample of Hispanics who could be all of the above. According to  organization Casa de Maryland more Hispanics make the trip to The United States because a) They're running away from all the violence happening back in their home countries. b) They are seeking new opportunities to better themselves and their families.


Donald Trump is always avoiding the questions that reports ask him about his great bright ideas he has to "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!". He had an issue with a report named Jorge Ramos from the anchor Univision because he was asking him question about how was he going to remove 11 million immigrants from the United States. He started arguing with him and attacking him instead of just honestly answering the question. That is called AD Hominem which he does most of the times when he is trying to avoid the question because he might not really know what to say during that time. 


In general most of Donald Trump's speeches are full of logical fallacies. He really makes them to the point where people do not notice them because to them it makes sense too. He makes a lot of AD Hominem, Black or White, Hasty Generalization, and Bandwagon. If you really analysis his speeches and they way he puts things out there they honestly make no sense.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting discussion regarding the "Hasty Generalization" fallacy, and I agree with you here. His remarks were both distasteful and pretty darn racist. You'll find that hasty generalizations are usually made toward an "other"--that is, someone (gender, religious affiliation, ethnicity, etc.) that is separate from the group stating the fallacy. I also agree that Trump might be ignoring other illegal immigration.
