Friday, February 26, 2016

Pepsi Commercial Fallacy

Television Ads are known to stretch reality in hopes to sell more products. Large companies tend to use iconic figures and celebrities to lure consumers into buying their product. In the commercial clip above, a young boy is seen drinking Pepsi and eventually gets to meet and dance with Michael Jackson. The strategy of this fallacy was to connect with viewers emotionally to persuade them to drink Pepsi Cola. Michael Jackson's appearance in the commercial suggests that the King of Pop also enjoys drinking Pepsi.
With Jackson's fame and popularity at an all-time high during the time period of the commercial, we can infer that the ad encouraged viewers to go out and buy a 12-pack of Pepsi. Appealing to emotion is a common way advertising specialists increase sales and ensure buyers are aware of the product. False clause is when a relationship is established into a casual connection. In this clip, you can argue that the purpose of the ad was to establish a relationship between drinking Pepsi and having an opportunity to dance with Michael Jackson. If you drink Pepsi, MJ will appear. Fallacies are used to promote businesses, and attract customers from all over the country for the sake of increases in sales and the company's image.


  1. Great job on your post Maddie. Based on the text, you did a great job on explaining your logical fallacy. However, what is the name of the actual fallacy? You also did a nice job on explaining the video and how Pepsi uses logical fallacies to promote their products. Remember to go back and credit your source. Furthermore, explain why it is credible. In addition, if you do not want to use a hyperlink, go back and mention the name of the title of the video within the text. Lastly, I would suggest to provide a more recent example of how companies, today, continue to use logical fallacies.

  2. This is a great post. The example you used to describe your logical fallacy was interesting. Pepsi, along with Coca Cola, are known to use logical fallacies to try and boost their sales. It works, so why not? I can only imagine how much business they got after this commercial. I do agree with Jazmin, you could use a couple more examples to really prove your findings. Overall, very good post.

  3. This is a good post, the Pepsi company used Michael Jackson heavily as an icon for their brand. I guess they knew that he would increase their sales dramatically based on his popularity. You described it well but it was still kind of general, great post altogether. RIP to the king of pop!
