Friday, February 26, 2016

Hasty Generalization

The logical fallacy I chose is Hasty Generalization. An example for this is saying all Muslims are terrorists. The reason this classifies as a logical fallacy is because anyone who says this is drawing a conclusion on a population based on a sample that is not very large. It is true that there are Muslim groups that are terrorists, and that 9/11 was caused by a terrorist group from the Muslim religion. This does not mean that the majority of Muslims are terrorists. There are also many white, black, and Hispanic terrorists but not many people look at those ethnicities and immediately think "Oh no they have a bomb." Unfortunately in today's world many people listen to others opinions and let that effect their own outlook on a situation.

There are many people that either make jokes or promote stereotypes about Muslims being terrorists and this is what affects peoples specific aspect towards different cultures. A good example of this comes from a Key and Peele skit that uses humor to address the issue of terrorism. Muslim stereotypes are also seen in a cinematic film by the name of "Team America," where puppets run around promoting racial slurs such as "Durka Durka Muhammed G-had." Both of these are examples of how people create negative stereotypes of the Muslim and middle eastern community.

One way people can start to address the fallacy is by actually talking to Muslims instead of avoiding them because of the way they dress. Many people that have this fallacy beaten into their head go as far as calling Muslims out and making rude comments towards them. Once people can start to judge people by actually confronting them and getting to know what they are about, the world should be able to break this fallacy up a bit. People need to learn that all individuals are different and that race and religion don't define a human.

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