Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Introduction Post

1. I am not that familiar with blogs. I have a Tumblr but I don't use that as much as I use my other social media applications.  But if I happen to be reading a blog on there, its either about someones past experiences, something about food, or fashion ideas from different cultures. When I'm on the web, I'm usually reading an article that my parents send me or posts and/or comments on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

2. When we choose a topic to blog about, I think a key factor would be to make sure that the topic is very diverse. Not only do you want everyone to have a say about it, but you want people to somehow connect to it on another level. That connection can lead to better conversation between people. The election is a good topic since its very popular right now. Modern-Day Racism is a great topic and can be linked with politics in America. Overseas conflict would make a great topic because of the recent situations between America and other countries.

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