Thursday, February 25, 2016

Black and White Fallacy

The Logically Fallacy I chose is Black or White. The definition is: where two alternative states are presented as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist. It affects our culture by splitting the country up in two. This fallacy is seen in our government as the two main parties. People are either a Democrat or a Republican. In Politics people are pushed to pick on side when voting and have no other party to choose from. 

 Stahcer's Political Cartoon shows the innocent side of our government and also the reality of it all. The "Political Science side shows the openness that our government is supposed to portray while the "Political Reality' portrays the fight between the Democrats (donkey) and the Republicans (elephant). This picture also shows how this could impact the next generations to come. It shows how they are being deceived by being taught that how the government works is easy and simple and does not take much time to fixed if something goes wrong. The black and white fallacy is also used in this cartoon and tells us that politics can be seen as extremely simple or complicated and messy.

We can fix this problem by teaching the younger generation more about politics in our schools and not just showing them Schoolhouse rock. Parents can also teach their children more about our government. Unlike the mother in the picture that just let her daughter admire the view in from of her, parents should inform their children of the hard work that comes with working in politics. Instead of parents pushing their political views on their children they should let them decide what they want to believe in and not make the government seem so black and white. They should be open when it comes to knew ideas and changes in the government and not be so rigid when it comes to voting for a certain party.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting argument about the "Black-or-White" fallacy, and you can even hear it internally within political parties. Of course, a voter can write in a candidate for president if they don't like their choices, but the odds of that candidate getting traction are limited. So these are the significant risks in a two-party system.
