Wednesday, February 17, 2016


I don't really have much web blog experience. The only writing experience I have is on Facebook or small passages on twitter. Some other social media I use are Instagram and Snapchat. I don't really get much writing experience on there because the posts are only one sentence long usually. The most reading experience I've had has been with news websites and academic journals for school, but they aren't really blogs. I hope to expand my experience with blogs in the future.
I am open to writing about anything but there some topics that i would like to suggest. I think we should write about the election and the candidates because most people are pretty well informed about them.  Another great idea can be technology, people either like it or don't but everyone has an opinion on it. There can be really nice detailed arguments, because people either think technology is a good thing or they believe it's doing more harm then good. I think these topics would generate good arguments.

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