Monday, February 29, 2016

Genetic Fallacy

           Logical fallacies can be found everywhere in our culture, for example in Donald Trumps speech of wanting to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. Often which would be considered a genetic fallacy because it's judging people to be good or bad based on where they come from which would also be considered very stereotypical. He wants to ban all Muslims because he believes they are all terrorists which is a misguided statement.

           Donald Trump tends to make many racial remarks during his speeches not only toward Muslims but other races such as Hispanics. He mentioned to send all the immigrants back to their own country. These genetic fallacies should be pointed out so that other people don't think in such a negative way also. Most of the time when a genetic fallacy is stated people tend to follow that believe too. Same with stereotypes; even though its not true people will still start to believe it and even if they don't some still joke about it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your example. I believe that when a person runs for presidency and starts to campaign, they should have there facts and opinions separated. People also have to do their research and make sure that what the candidate is saying is correct or not.
