Sunday, February 14, 2016

Intro Post

 I have had little experience with blogging, although I read blogs now and then. Two of my friends recently created their own blogs, which I think is neat, and those are the only blogs I have been reading lately. About a year ago, I wanted to start my own blog as a result of my exposure to the journalist world, but that never happened.  For the most part when I go on the web, I read articles from my news feed on Facebook. I read a variety of different articles from Glamour to National Geographic.  

For this blog, I am open to blog about almost any topic. Some of the topics I would like to blog would be about current events happening worldwide, important information that pertains to the student body at NVCC, and anything informative. The topics we discussed in class are some of the topics I would love to blog about. I am very excited about this assignment because not only will it increase my knowledge about blogging, but it might also convenience me to start my own blog.  

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