Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blog Introduction

I spend a lot of time on the internet but blogs are not part of my stomping grounds. I mostly prefer information based forms of media like news sites. The only experience I have with reading blogs would be the occasional technology review blog. I have never written on a blog before so these assignments will be a good learning opportunity. While I do not have much experience reading blogs, I do understand what you want the format to be. First, keep it short and pithy so it holds a person’s attention. Next, put in various forms of media like GIFs of pictures that relate of just make people laugh. Last, make sure your opinion is always on display. Blogs are a great way to get your opinions out in the world. 

I think that the most advantageous choice for our blog topic would be; The United States' role in geopolitics with a view to the past to relate to the future. This would be a perfect fit for the class as blogs are all about your opinion and everyone has some thought about politics. Here are some good topics to write about in the scope U.S. geopolitics; interventions in the Middle East, U.S. relations with Europe, U.S. relations with Asia, democracy and geopolitics, policy comparison of the U.S. and other countries. These are just some of the ideas that could be used with a topic like geopolitics.     

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