Wednesday, February 17, 2016


The blogs I am accustom to are usually technology based. I like to stay up to date with the most recent information on cell phones, computers and innovations in technology. If I'm not checking up on the latest mobile device then I'm debating music and finding out the newest "classic" to come out. I enjoy having conversations involving music and seeing other opinions on albums, songs or artists I like and/or dislike. One thing you tend to see is there's always SOMEBODY who dislikes what everyone else loves and another person who loves what everyone else hates so it's interesting to see all of the different preferences.
As far as what topics we may discuss, I feel that music is the go to idea. Music is a universal language in a sense so everyone has some sort of positive opinion on it. No matter the preference of what genre or sound, it always is a relative topic of discussion. We can debate favorite artists and discography, songs that we love, music that got us through tough times and even the music we can not stand with a passion. We should be able to narrow it down into plenty of separate subjects to discuss on a regular basis.

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